You have made a great decision. Paying monthly lets you pay as you go and budget for Dilly’s Tree House over the next seven months, which makes perfect sense.
Your first box will be sent via Priority Mail. You will be a hero!
This risk-free offer gives you a 30-day trial to make sure you are 100% satisfied with Box 1, Starring Dilly Gator, and that you want to continue to receive the next six boxes. If you are completely satisfied and want to continue receiving the next six boxes, you don’t need to do anything. Your credit card will be charged monthly for seven months, and you will receive one box per month. This will complete your order and no further charges will appear on your credit card.
If for some reason you aren’t satisfied with your first box, you can return it for a full refund or keep it and cancel future boxes. More information on these options can be found in our FAQ.
Each month for 7 months, your child will receive an award-winning box filled with enriching, curiosity-sparking products and activities. In just 10-15 minutes, three times a week, you can take learning beyond even the best pre-K program by challenging your child to think critically and approach problems with creativity.
Culture, the arts, science, literacy, and math are all emphasized in these quick and simple experiences, all created and packed with love by the Dilly’s Tree House team. And, speaking of love, it’s all wrapped up in social and emotional development skills, which teachers agree are the most important ingredients for kindergarten readiness and lifetime success.
You can add an extra Tree House Treasure for just $10.95 for another little superhero. The other materials can be shared.
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